Monday, May 15, 2023

Ch 4 pg 23


Looking for more pages? Support Parallel Rift's Patreon for 10 early pages!

Calm Mornings, Busy Days:
Will be spending the next couple days hashing out the rest of the pages and content for this month so be sure to check out my Picarto link for livestreams as I probably will be working on those pages then. I'll be sending out the arts for prints really soon too. 
Overall, been using a new program to keep track of my comic pages and their progress, along with my standard work flow. It does give me better insight as to where I need to improve. I am hoping that by livestreaming more often, I'll be able to lessen the amount of procrastination I've fallen into as well. I'm not terribly behind, nothing I shouldn't be able to complete in 2-3 days and be right back on schedule. Just means I have to work really hard. 

Saying this, I know I missed a page last week. For that, I am sorry and I do plan to make it up by Friday as soon as everything else is caught up and conquered. Like I said, tune into the livestreams as it'll be the only time I'll be working on pages publicly. I do not, at this time, plan to post these livestreams to the youtube channel yet, so currently an timelapses I preserve will be for Patrons only.

Thank you and be back really soon!

Have a good week my readers, creatives, and dreamers!
Thank you for all your support

Be sure to check out Relven's original creator

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