Monday, September 25, 2023

Ch 4 pg 39


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It's Back...Sick Again:
Yup, caught something several days ago. Allergies I think, or a cold caused by the fast seasonal change, which does happen to me generally every year anyway. There tends to be a lot more spores in the air due to the dew staying longer and more rain, even if not much, thus keeping things cool and perfect for shrooms and other fungus to populate at a higher rate....and my allergies kick up like mad because of it.

This one is a bit more lingering than before because I think my body was still a bit weak from being sick the week before and hadn't fully recovered so adding a slam of allergies on top of a healing body...not a great mix. Either way, I'm being careful, taking my meds, and otherwise going about as usual once more...just with more sneezing XD

Till next week...

Have a good week my readers, creatives, and dreamers!
Thank you for all your support

Monday, September 18, 2023

Ch 4 pg 38


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...Or What?!:
Probably one of my favorite pages where Modris shows off a fraction of his abilities. If you haven't guessed by now, his anima is green and green means a connection to plants, of which Modris is extremely skilled with.

My partner Finn has also been sick this past week, but has largely improved. Now he has the same cough as I do but I hope it doesn't last as long as mine has. It's probably the most annoying part, is coughing all the time and not always having a reason to do so. Both our mothers have the same issue of coughing since almost last year and I've heard some other friends have the exact same issue. It doesn't seem to matter if you've been vaccinated or not, which royally sucks. Mine tends to come and go. I'm hoping a slight alteration to my current diet will be what is needed as it did seem to work last time before I got sick from Finn bringing something home from his work. We're at least all good, besides the coughs, but we're being careful. It also doesn't help that has become very cold here lately very quickly. Most trees are already changing colors or are half through the color change. My remaining crops are still doing good as I take them in at night since they're in pots. Next year they'll be planted in the ground so I'll have to make sure to cover them when times grow cold like this. Lastly, was caught in the rain at the Renaissance Festival on Sunday...of course, it was the only spot it rained the most at with thunder and lightning, so we were quite miserable with our friends. Still were there for most of it, so it at least wasn't a huge loss. 

Till next week...

Have a good week my readers, creatives, and dreamers!
Thank you for all your support

Monday, September 11, 2023

Ch 4 pg 37


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Last of Summer:
Summer weather seems to be largely gone now as the chill in the night is becoming much more frequent and I have to bring my remaining plants in for the night. I do feel fully better now, but these duller days to make it difficult to work. I just wanna snuggle in some blankets and sleep instead.

Do you guys remember that Mika had a pocket knife?
Through the use of his own anima, he can change its form but it seems someone is far quicker to take action than Mika. There's a few more pages left before this chapter ends, but do not worry as this tussle here is only the beginning. At this time, chapter 5 will be the final chapter to book 1 but this is only the start of this story! 
I also want to thank everyone for your support as we've reached 10 Patreon Supporters! 
With 10 patrons, I am offering the sketch requests to the current patrons and will be completing a few rewards this month as well, along with some work. This month is already nearing it's half way point so I really need to get my gears going! Thank you so much for your patience and see you next week as we see how Mika handles his coming predicament within the walls of the Red Lion Teahouse! 

Have a good week my readers, creatives, and dreamers!
Thank you for all your support

Monday, September 4, 2023

Ch 4 pg 36


Looking for more pages? Merch? WIPs? Concepts? Support Parallel Rift's Patreon !

A Way to Start The Autumn:
As those of my Discord already know, as of this past Thursday, I came down pretty ill with a high fever. I've largely recovered since then, but it's still going to take my body a bit longer to fully catch up to what it was. I didn't really eat a lot or do anything other than attempt to sleep for nearly all that time. That did also mean I sadly couldn't attend Ren.Fest. this past weekend either. With the heat the way it is this past weekend as well, it probably would have only made me feel worse and nor did I want to risk giving, whatever this is, to anyone else. So here I am, stuck at home, recouping a little bit more each day, but slowly getting there. The fever luckily didn't last longer than a night and my appetite has been slowly returning. I have heard some illness has been spreading around town pretty crazy lately, so I have a feeling I caught whatever that was/is. I'm fine though. Nothing to be alarmed about at least and like I said, I'm slowly recouping and thus will be fully back on my feet before you all know it!

Now, in other news, Ch 4 has come an end on Patreon so I will be slowly catching the public up to this point while I hash out the details for Ch 5. Patreon members should be fully ahead of the public again probably by the end of September to early October is the goal. Getting through the pages now when I can so thank you for everyone's patience! September is a little slower month in terms of work, but I do have work so I'm also working on a merch drop for this month as well. I couldn't have it done it without everyone so thank you very much!! 

Have a good week my readers, creatives, and dreamers!
Thank you for all your support