Monday, February 27, 2023

Ch 4 pg 16


Looking for more pages? Support Parallel Rift's Patreon for 5+ pages!
If I can reach the goal of 2x a week updates, this will double. You can also view 4 WIPs of each page!

Icey Rains and New Beginnings:
February commissions are coming to a close and with only 1 commission in March, I am placing huge focus back on this website and to Patreon. After talking things out with others, listening about various advice, etc, I realize I've switched Patreon from it's near full focus on PR to my personal art. I know the last couple years have put me in a state of mind that isn't generally healthy so I've lost focus of myself.

I already expect this year to be a low financial year due to my changes to commissions. I am officially caught up on all other big project works with the exception of personal projects so in that area, all is good and we're actually caught up! I think this is the first time in my life where I'm caught up on work for others! 
With that in mind, we're going to be going forward and revamping Patreon first. I'll be putting together a proper introductory video, updating the tiers, goals, and so on. We'll be unlocking the other 2 tiers, updating images and ensuring things can be put on a schedule in the near future. Moving on from that will come the website itself where we will finally be completing the character bio charts after settling on a layout, adding in some info regarding the creatures and concepts seen in the comic thus far, and otherwise, pushing additional pages out and focusing on not only editing the Prologue and Chapter 1, but hopefully preparing for the future where we can do 2x a week page update!

Have a good week my readers, creatives, and dreamers!
Thank you for all your support

Monday, February 20, 2023

Ch 4 pg 15


Looking for more pages? Support Parallel Rift's Patreon for 5+ pages!
If I can reach the goal of 2x a week updates, this will double. You can also view 4 WIPs of each page!

Happy Endings:
With the all drama the past few days, the conclusion to this tale ends happily. Both our dogs Onyx and Kiwi are returned home! Onyx was found lost near a ditch behind some homes, sitting by his lonesome, while Kiwi returned a day later...on the most nonchalant sort of manner as she simply trotted up to her back door! 
Either way, both puppers are home safe and sound and in good health! Kiwi did have some minor injuries in the form of a scratch under her eye, probably from a thorn from venturing out into those spikey shrubs in the woods, and a small cut on her paw pad, which was showing signs of already healing. Both had burrs, thorns, grass, and all sort of bits of nature stuck in their fluffy coats. Onyx had the worst in that department for we found him just after the ice storm came through so his coat was littered in bits of ice. Both puppers were dehydrated from the lack of water due to it all being frozen and of course, hungry. It's a few days since they returned to us (Onyx on the 17th and Kiwi on the 18th) and they're both back to their spirited, adventurous, and goofy selves. We honestly had our doubts on the survivability of these two, but they proved us wrong and we couldn't be prouder parents. My S.O. and myself are making sure the fault in the fence will be fully fixed as soon as we are able and otherwise, will make sure this mishap never happens again so our kids can live long, happy, and healthy lives!

Due to this emotional rollercoaster, I did fall behind a bit on work I had planned to do and finish during that time. I am catching up as best as I can and hopefully should be caught up with the crucial bits before February ends! The first PR info cards came in as well, but we may be doing another print of them. As much as we like how they look now, we feel a smaller size may be more beneficial and feel more like a playing card and easier to gather as we build this set.

Have a good week my readers, creatives, and dreamers!
Thank you for all your support

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Ch 4 pg 14


Looking for more pages? Support Parallel Rift's Patreon for 5+ pages!
If I can reach the goal of 2x a week updates, this will double. You can also view 4 WIPs of each page!

Devastating Day:
Despite how things turned out, we did reach a ko-fi goal of $50+ so here we are with a page posted now for it! The goal has been reset so if it happens again, we'll post another page! Thank you for your support!
On the sad side, we lost both our dogs today. I plan to file a complaint with the company that cut the trees around the powerlines as they knew we had dogs, they'd seen them, and yet, they cut the tree low enough that a large dog could use it like a stepping stool. I can't pull it out or fix the problem myself, so today, while I was in the kitchen and then went to let the dogs in about 30 minutes after I had let them out, they were gone. It's the only way they could have gotten out is with that low tree stump. I've never felt such devastating fast silence in my life like I have today. I mean, sure, both of then had their annoyances like anything else, but I would never wish this on them. The weather is cold, windy, mix of snow and rain with fog on top of it. We've done all we can for now and the rest is just hoping they'll either turn up by some miracle of the fates or someone took them to the shelter before this bad weather set in for the night. I know one of them could survive such weather, but the other, I'm not very positive about it given she has exposed skin at the armpits and underbelly and her fur is a lot thinner in those areas, providing next to nothing for cold protection. It's devastating to us because we love our dogs, they're great dogs despite being aloof, typical chow mixes, but they're sweet and adorable and now they're....gone. I cried so much today that I feel like my eyes are burning, but I'm trying to remain hopeful.

Have a good week my readers, creatives, and dreamers!
Thank you for all your support

Monday, February 13, 2023

Ch 4 p 13


Looking for more pages? Support Parallel Rift's Patreon for 5+ pages!
If I can reach the goal of 2x a week updates, this will double. You can also view 4 WIPs of each page!

Expecting Rain:
Just like most of last week was rainy, it seems we'll be expecting cloudy weather....again. This hasn't done wonders for me mentally, but I have made some really amazing progress this past week! Patreon is currently caught up with comic pages for the most part and I'll be pushing Dean patrons ahead of the pack by providing 12 pages total before the public! 
I have been rather disheartened lately, watching the patron count drop despite having weekly updates. I do know I've fallen behind a little, but I am catching up! I only thing left from January that I missed and that will be ready this week. Work is almost cleared out, to which will surely be concluded in the next few days here as some of it, I can do all in one sitting, especially traditional. Stuff needs to dry, but otherwise, it will be done. The next 6 pages are sketched out and I'll be working on those bit by bit. After this week, I doubt I'll have any work so I'll take this slow time to focus on the website and Patreon, update a few things as well. Since there has been no progress with Patreon, I will be changing the goals, updating several things and just launching the other 2 tiers with hopes that it will work out. The support I receive from Patreon is currently what funds my ability to create merchandise. Without that, there's no merch, so I know I need to find a way to spruce it up and draw more interest back.

Long list of goals and dreams it would seem, but I'm not giving up! I do also hope that with the coming events in this chapter that it will also pull people back into the story as I know, right now, it is a bit on the slower/introductory stage. We're almost there though. These pages are building to revealing secrets and setting stages for future events. Once I am caught up with Patreon as well, prepare for the revamped Prologue and first few pages of Ch1. Those are already scripted and sketched, and, as far as I feel, will read much better than the chore of dialogue I have currently. I will fix it!

Have a good week my readers, creatives, and dreamers!
Thank you for all your support

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Ch 4 pg 12


Looking for more pages? Support Parallel Rift's Patreon for 5+ pages!
If I can reach the goal of 2x a week updates, this will double. You can also view WIPs of each page!

Leveled Up!
February 3rd, I have officially leveled up as that was my birthday! My mother took me out to which I sadly was allergic to...something. It was very mild so it went away, but very odd given I've eaten at this spot before. Oh well. Had another good dinner on Saturday and even was gifted some books I wanted to check out! Overall, it was a chill year for my birthday and I spent most of it working, as I generally seem to do.
Speaking of work, I have only 2 things left in terms of work which means I'll have a lot of free time coming up real soon! I do have things scheduled already in order to progress Patreon, some revamps, more comic pages, maybe work on a buffer again if I can, etc. We shall see.
So far, on Patreon, new Early Access YCHs have been posted and also some sketches of things I plan to work on this month if time allows. More pages will coming toward the weekend and next week, and so will be another, FINALLY, an update on the Eliyo Project! It should be pretty exciting and I hope you'll join me as we continue on this journey!

Have a good week my readers, creatives, and dreamers!
Thank you for all your support