Monday, February 27, 2023

Ch 4 pg 16


Looking for more pages? Support Parallel Rift's Patreon for 5+ pages!
If I can reach the goal of 2x a week updates, this will double. You can also view 4 WIPs of each page!

Icey Rains and New Beginnings:
February commissions are coming to a close and with only 1 commission in March, I am placing huge focus back on this website and to Patreon. After talking things out with others, listening about various advice, etc, I realize I've switched Patreon from it's near full focus on PR to my personal art. I know the last couple years have put me in a state of mind that isn't generally healthy so I've lost focus of myself.

I already expect this year to be a low financial year due to my changes to commissions. I am officially caught up on all other big project works with the exception of personal projects so in that area, all is good and we're actually caught up! I think this is the first time in my life where I'm caught up on work for others! 
With that in mind, we're going to be going forward and revamping Patreon first. I'll be putting together a proper introductory video, updating the tiers, goals, and so on. We'll be unlocking the other 2 tiers, updating images and ensuring things can be put on a schedule in the near future. Moving on from that will come the website itself where we will finally be completing the character bio charts after settling on a layout, adding in some info regarding the creatures and concepts seen in the comic thus far, and otherwise, pushing additional pages out and focusing on not only editing the Prologue and Chapter 1, but hopefully preparing for the future where we can do 2x a week page update!

Have a good week my readers, creatives, and dreamers!
Thank you for all your support

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