Support Parallel Rift's Patreon for 12 early pages + videos + art rewards + Triune Comic!
Short Hiatus:
From now till January of 2005, more specifically January 6, 2025, no new pages will be posted. Ch 6 cover has already been floating about as an early thing so come the 6th, there will be 2 pages posted that day.
Till then, 12+ pages will be shared on Patreon so if you'd like to dive into the next chapter early, a FEW MONTHS early, then check out the link above and dive right in!
Book 1 of Parallel Rift is also drawing to a conclusion as well. Ch 6 is the final chapter of this book! There is still plenty more to come so no worries about missing anything. That also being said, next year, there will be several changes made as well. I have some of the new prologue pages ready to go and edits made to the first few pages of chapter 1. Next year, I plan to take a couple days to entirely rehash out this website. If time permits, that will also mean redoing other aspects of the site itself. I'll try to work as quickly as I can during that time, so hopefully it doesn't take me too long to get things back up and running and flowing smoothly.
Till then, I'll see you all soon! I will post some other happenings in a couple weeks and probably in December as well, so look out for those updates too. Thank you so much everyone and I look forward to seeing you in the next chapter!
Thank you and have a great week everyone!
Stay Creative 💚
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