Looking for more pages? Support Parallel Rift's Patreon for MORE updates!
Currently, Patrons are 10 PAGES ahead of the public! That's over 2 months. Every little bit goes a long way toward support the comic and the artist!

Parallel Rift will also be undergoing some changes come 2023! The entire Prologue and a chunk of Chapter 1 will be edited and updated to fit with the story better, along with the current style. Those initial pages were made back in 2018 but as I've grown and gained better experience in storytelling, I have realized, with help as well, that there are many flaws to that part of the story, especially in Chapter One. The rewrite of the script is already complete and the pages are being in the works. The expected time for their release will be in February 2023. The current pages will be replaced by the new and I hope these new pages will tell the story better and be more of a comfortable read.
Thank you for you patience and we'll be back soon :3
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