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Thank you for allowing me to indulge in silly, breaking up this rather serious flashback scene...of which I'm sure some of you may never read the same again XD You're welcome
And yes, that is Modris! Out of all people Apricot could have fetched, he found Modris. I do admit, while I enjoyed doing this particular power pose of Modris...trying to figure out how to draw Fiacre looking up was a nightmare. I think it turned out okay, but definitely not the best and doesn't entirely ready as I'd like it to. I do hope this flashback does what it's meant to do, which is to give more a sense of gravity and connection as to why Fiacre feels he owes it to the nekomata to do what is necessary to save him. It's a lot deeper than just fighting off the strange creature in Modris' teahouse. Some action is coming right up after this, along with a bit more bickering, so I hope that'll be a little fun too.
Thank you again for your patience <3
Stay creative!
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