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Not Always About You Hun:
Mika going off again, showing his temper and assuming it's all about him...that could be a potential problem down the road I'm sure. Also, please don't hurt me for introducing something new again. I swear, it will be explained in time.
As a reminder, I will be gone this remaining week and all of next week. If you're on my Discord and need to get ahold of me, do still send me a message but know that I may not be able to check it for a long while. We're going very....very rural, so there won't be much, if any service out that way. I appreciate your patience!
That is also why we have next week's page posted today!
Also, with the new Patreon updates, be sure to sign up to my Patreon for FREE (link above) to make sure you receive any free member posts I make, including news and sometimes artwork updates.
Thank you <3
See you in November!
Have a good week my readers, creatives, and dreamers!
Thank you for all your support
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